The Future is not ours

The Future is not Ours

The problem of transcendence in both transhuman and posthuman thought is that it still holds onto a metaphysics of presence that is dead and should be buried and remain that way. The future of humanity is that it has no future. We will evolve naturally or artificially into other species, but our progeny will not be human as we are and will not retain any notion of the human in their world. We cannot name this being now because it will create its own sense of being and identity. As Land once suggested “nothing human will make it out alive” in this future that is rapidly approaching. Our doom and our rapture are to see this approaching world through the lens of art and literature. Science fiction is the mythology of the future both positive and negative, optimistic and pessimistic, materialist and idealist. The dichotomy of our visions is as it has always been based on our fractured knowledge and dreams, we have no other recourse to anything of the Outside. We remain in the blindness of our brain’s capacity to invent us through its organic simulations of reality that test the Real. The Real is that which is not us and which we cannot reduce to our mental constructions. It is the obstacle that will not allow us to surpass our blindness. It is the goad that keeps us forever testing the limits of Being itself. We live in a circle of Reason and only our imaginations poke holes in the necessary fallacies of this box world we live in.

3 thoughts on “The Future is not ours

  1. It is a pleasure to reach the line dividing human and not-human and to speculate the not-human and peek through some windows which are fortunately made available to us through human cognitive faculty.


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