Ornate Tarot Cards in the Cthulhu Occulture: Cthulhu Awakens (The Last Judgment)

Cthulhu Awakens (The Last Judgment)

He waked that morning as an older man,
And nothing since has looked the same to him.
Objects around float nebulous and dim —
False, phantom trifles of some vaster plan.
His folk and friends are now an alien throng
To which he struggles vainly to belong.

—H. P. Lovecraft – “Alienation”

The Mythos usually takes place in fictional New England towns and is centered on the Great Old Ones, a fearsome assortment of ancient, powerful deities who came from outer space and once ruled the Earth. They are presently quiescent, having fallen into a death-like sleep awakens_7at some time in the distant past. The most well-known of these beings is Cthulhu, who currently lies “dead [but] dreaming” in the submerged city of R’lyeh somewhere in the Southeast Pacific Ocean. One day, “when the stars are right”, R’lyeh will rise from beneath the sea, and Cthulhu will awaken and wreak havoc on the earth.

©2022 S.C. Hickman Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the images above without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited. All images were created with Midjourney ai and are licensed by them for personal or commercial use.

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