Countries of the Moon

“Speak to her, she is from the countries of the moon.”

From where I was sitting I heard her speaking,
saying love only comes from those far lands,
where half naked warriors dance upon the horns of great beasts.

“You can hear her voice in the sea.” — said She.

Distinctly I heard the roaring of the ocean fall,
the white froth of waves on rock and sand; the call of gulls,
the alcoves of shadows hanging over me, and the wall between us
keeping pace with music of some strange speech of birds and sea;
possibly a Mother and Daughter disagreeing, disputing
the vagrancies of men, while I sat here watching on,
listening to those pulsations of woman and ocean quickening.


– Steven Craig Hickman ©2014 Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author is strictly prohibited.

17 thoughts on “Countries of the Moon

    • Thank you… yes, it came from a memory of a trip years ago to the Mediterranean among the various isles we visited. And happened after a day in Crete we were staying a small village in a makeshift shelter shared by several families. Strange how these memories get triggered, too.

      I happened to be reading a poem by George Seferis that triggered this memory … 🙂


  1. This is lyrical S.C. I particularly liked the way this reads
    …”possibly a Mother and Daughter disagreeing, disputing the vagrancies of men, while I sat here watching on, listening to those pulsations of woman and ocean quickening.”


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